Filed under: DB2,General | Tags: db2 archive log, db2 change archive logarchmeth1, db2 logarchmeth1, db2 logging, db2 luw logarchmeth1, ibm db2 logarchmeth1
Long time ago since last update… Busy time.
To improve my default db2 udb installation I switched form circular logging to disk logging, the steps:
#1#mkdir /db2backup
#2#mkdir /db2archive
#3#mkdir /db2archive/db2inst1
#4#chown db2inst1:db2admin /db2archive/db2inst1
#5#chown db2inst1:db2admin /db2backup
#6#db2 update db cfg for MYDB using logarchmeth1 disk:/db2archive
#7#db2 backup db MYDB to /db2backup
#8#db2 archive log for database MYDB
1,2,3: for storing backups and archive logs
4,5: setting owners
6: switching to db2 disk logging in /db2archive
7: after enabling log archiving, DB2 sets the database into the backup pending state to ensure that a full offline backup is taken before starting with log archiving so I backup. If the backup gives back an error like:
SQL1035N The database is currently in use. SQLSTATE=57019
You should:
#db2 list applications
#db2 force application all
8: to verify that the database is ready for log archiving
Now you can check your backups or the archive history
#db2 list history backup all for MYDB
#db2 list history archive log all for db MYDB
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