Pedro's blog: db2, mysql, php, linux and performance

db2 change LOGARCHMETH1

Long time ago since last update… Busy time.

To improve my default db2 udb installation I switched form circular logging to disk logging, the steps:

#1#mkdir /db2backup

#2#mkdir /db2archive

#3#mkdir /db2archive/db2inst1

#4#chown db2inst1:db2admin /db2archive/db2inst1

#5#chown db2inst1:db2admin /db2backup

#6#db2 update db cfg for MYDB using logarchmeth1 disk:/db2archive

#7#db2 backup db MYDB to /db2backup

#8#db2 archive log for database MYDB

1,2,3: for storing backups and archive logs

4,5: setting owners

6: switching to db2 disk logging in /db2archive

7: after enabling log archiving, DB2 sets the database into the backup pending state to ensure that a full offline backup is taken before starting with log archiving so I backup. If the backup gives back an error like:

SQL1035N  The database is currently in use.  SQLSTATE=57019

You should:

#db2 list applications

#db2 force application all

8: to verify that the database is ready for log archiving

Now you can check your backups or the archive history

#db2 list history backup all for MYDB

#db2 list history archive log all for db MYDB

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