Pedro's blog: db2, mysql, php, linux and performance

SQL0668N Operation not allowed for reason code “1”
04/07/2010, 20:40
Filed under: DB2,General | Tags: , , ,

What a nice message code!

What does it mean? if we try the command:

db2 ? SQL0668N

It says:

QL0668N  Operation not allowed for reason code “<reason-code>” on table


Access to table “<table-name>” is restricted. The cause is based on the
following reason codes “<reason-code>”:


The table is in the Set Integrity Pending No Access state. The
integrity of the table is not enforced and the content of the
table may be invalid. An operation on a parent table or an
underlying table that is not in the Set Integrity Pending No
Access state may also receive this error if a dependent table
is in the Set Integrity Pending No Access state.

Normally the same error message tell you what table has the problem, but, how can you know what is the table with that problem?

Try with the comand:

db2 “select TABSCHEMA, TABNAME from SYSCAT.TABLES where TYPE = ‘T’ and STATUS = ‘C'”

And you will get a list with all the tables with the SQL0668N rc=1 problem. How can you fix it? try with this comand:


And everything is working again.

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